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Spatial implications of the energy ambitions for 2020, Zuid Holland
What are the spatial implications of the energy ambitions of the province of South- Holland? JA is asked to research the current share of renewable energy within the total energy demand of the province (ca. 4 million inhabitants with the largest port in Europe) and the resulting CO2 emissions. The confrontation of the measured data with the energy ambitions by the province for 2020 shows that there has to be a urgent acceleration for the planning and execution of green energy-production initiatives.
In 2020 the province wants to reduce the total energy demand and CO2 emissions by 20%. Furthermore, the share of renewable energy has to be increased by 20% of the total demand. Joubert Architecture has researched the consequences for the coming years of this ambition for the spatial agenda of the provincie. By quantifying as surface the energy yield per renewable energy, it was possible to visualize the spacial demand of the energy ambition by Zuid-Holland and confront it with already ongoing and planned landscape and infrastructural programs. In a next step the integration and consequences of sustainable energy production is tested in a serious of real world examples.
Location: Zuid Holland, Netherlands
Client: Province Zuid-Holland
Assignment: Spatial implications energy ambitions 2020. Phase 1
Program: Research & Visualisation with maps and images
Size: 50.000 ha
Status: Publication Fall 2011
Team: JA [Marc Joubert with Jeroen de Loor]
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