Metropolitan Parks

 Strategy & Development Metropolitan Parks Zuid Holland 
Development of a branding strategy for 6 parks ranging from 3.000 to 9.000 ha in the Province of South Holland in which the recognisability of each park as well as the system of parks is envisaged.
Three elements are used to improve the identity of the parks:
  1. Access to the parks through new railway stations, better car, bicycle and water connections en new green signs for highway exits to the parks. Infrastructural barriers, for example railway lines and highways are bridged with (eco)ducts which will become natural locations for new program. 
  2. The edges of cities, now containing mostly industrial areas or sports fields, can be transformed to fronts. With the best living and working neighbourhoods on the edge between city and nature. Gateways to the parks are integrated to mark entrances to the parks. 
  3. New internationally attractive functions in the parks, ranging from a museum, conference centre or festival site to sustainable energy production.
These interventions lead to a number of iconic projects, which show the ambition of the Province to not only be competitive, but leading in comparison with other metropolitan regions in Europe.
Location: Zuid Holland, Netherlands
Client: Bureau Zuidvleugel – Province Zuid-Holland
Assignment: Strategy for financing & Development
Program: Park Landscapes
Size: 50.000 ha 
Status: Publication 2009
Team: Marc Joubert with Roos Limburg and Clement Talbot
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